A volunteer escapes from an impossible situation with ropes and jackets and tambourines.
Mozart Ropes
Created for Steffan’s Rope Routine called Mozart Ropes
Magic wows, message resonates in Maine
This article is published in the Bridgton News
Water Festival 2016
Last year’s WaterFest was 2015 and the Flint news was not out yet. This year, although we didn’t mention it to the students, the Water Problems, and needed solutions, are on all our minds!
For producers of Still Life with Iris wishing to include the magic
Steffan Soule co-created, co-produced and performed in the original production of “Still Life with Iris”. The play features the magic of Steffan Soule and author/illustrator Cooper Edens. Steffan worked on the creation of this play with Linda Hartzell and Seattle Children’s Theatre from 1993 through 1998. There were many phases of development from conception to […]