mDeck Playlist of Videos on How to Use the App
Any Card At Any Number is spectacular, and when you use the mDeck, it is easy to do! To see & navigate the PLAYLIST, click the menu icon above: You can see the playlist on the
Original Sponsor of the Golden Rule Magician speaks out on what’s motivating us
Golden Rule Project with Bonnie Phillips, Steffan Soule & Marlena Buzzell Attention, Magic and the Golden Rule is one of the best suited school assembly programs on the school assembly tour circuit today and in recent times. The presentation contains a message that the students of today need, and they recognize how it will […]
GRM on Vimeo Series – subscribe from here
Starcleaner Music 1980s and beyond

Parabola Article on the Golden Rule program
2021-11-10 15-35 (PARABOLA) copy scan
mDeck App available for new magicians to do professional card magic
Golden Rule Magician releases secrets
RadioLab Mint a Trillion

Golden Rule Magic streaming live in October 2021
Steffan Soule and other performers will present a live streaming production of Attention, Magic and the Golden Rule during the month of October, anti-bullying month. Look for the dates to be here. Watch this space.