An Incredible Evening of Magic! Saturday, April 21st 2012, 7:30 pm Subscribers to our newsletter will receive special notices about this production. Presented by the City of Auburn and selected for their prestigious Bravo Performing Arts Season: learn more. Seeour description on the Bravo list! Here is the map of the location of the performance […]
Steffan Soule’s SFX Magic in Mysterian. The longest running magic show on the West Coast began in 1999 with a perfect SFX system in a theatre built for the show. Steffan Soule performs artistic magic for the corporate and family audience aimed at invoking wonder, astonishment and awe. His tools are large-scale-grand illusions like his […]
Steffan Soule’s Wireless MIDI used in Mysterian® Wireless MIDI to trigger SFX for theatres, magic shows, performance art! To Home Page This incredible magic theatre designed for the magic of Steffan Soule uses an ETC DMX lighting system with over 48 dimmers, 4 High End T-Beams, 125 light channels, an O2R sound board and […]
October 15th, Salt Lake City, Steffan Soule presents “Attention, Magic and the Golden Rule” for the Parliament of the World’s Religions. Steffan Soule’s magic presentation “Attention, Magic and the Golden Rule” gives practical ways to experience non-violence, create real relationships and reduce bullying. The Golden Rule Project, founded in Salt Lake City, sponsors Steffan’s performances […]
In the ordinary shuffle of life, we can engage with the Golden Rule shuffle. It is a practice, to keep your attention on your self and the others around you. When we do the Golden Rule shuffle, the idea of “treating others how you would like to be treated” becomes more and more obvious, more […]
Magician Steffan Soule focuses on the power of attention and how we can use our attention to apply the Golden Rule in a variety of situations. While demonstrating magic effects that visually relate to the curriculum, Steffan transfers methods for anti-bullying in this exciting, positive and educational assembly. Attention, Magic and the Golden Rule is […]
This school assembly program uses the arts to present ways for students to reduce, neutralize and even eliminate bullying by applying the universal principle called The Golden Rule.