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Music Credits
Ropes: Mozart Rings: David Lanz Videos: Steffan Soule, and Wayo Hogan & Cooper Edens √ Ibn Al-Noor Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
mDeck Lessons

Terms of Service Service Agreement (the “Agreement”) describes the terms and conditions on which A Touch of Magic, Inc., (“we” or “ATOM Inc”) offer services to you (“User”). By using our services, User agrees to be bound by the following terms and conditions: To the extent that the user is uploading or adding content to […]
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Get the App for the mDeck called Any Card At Any Number

Unlock the mDeck App To get a free download of the Stack of the Original mDeck, sign up in the store here and get the free download: click here. The purpose of this app is to study the Attention and the Magic as shown by the 501c3, Attention, Magic and the Golden Rule. All sales […]
Advanced mDeck with stripped cards for custom shuffling
Your own mDeck (in a stripped deck for custom shuffling as well as being good for Faro Shuffles. As shown on our learning channels). Each mDeck comes fully corresponding to the mDeck App, the original Steffan Soule stack. Is it about $34.95 including tax, shipping and handling in the USA? Please try the BUY NOW […]
Basic mDeck with stripped cards for custom shuffling
Your own mDeck (in a stripped deck for custom shuffling as shown on our learning channels). Each mDeck comes fully corresponding to the mDeck App, the original Steffan Soule stack. Is it about $24.95 including tax, shipping and handling in the USA? Please try the BUY NOW and see what the total becomes: Or you […]