Here is the experience of becoming pro-active in response to bullying as seen on the enneagram or the NTS. (A Nine Term Symbol, an “NTS”, is also referred to as an enneagram.)
Responding assertively to an incident of bullying or unacceptable behaviour requires the student to be respectful towards themselves and others equally. Central to responding assertively is the student having confidence in themselves and their abilities and knowing their basic human rights. Teachers can help students to practice these behaviours though classroom-based role-plays, where the students identify assertive, aggressive and passive behaviors.
Assertiveness training is necessary in order to train the Attention to act according to Human Rights Values (point-four) and the Golden Rule (point-eight). Without training, we assume people can simply do what they are shown through words (basically what they are told) and what they are shown through other media. But, people can not act until all of these points and inner lines of the Compass (the six labeled lines inside the circle) are working together. Well, people can try, we can pretend, we can do something, but our actions will not be effective until all of these parts come together into one whole system.
The important factor at point-six is Will Power, but it may be in the form of Help or Assistance from Bystanders. Here is a diagram from education.com which shows the bullying cycle.

Now, if through role playing and attention building exercises, we teach, instruct, impart and transfer the knowledge and understanding from the enneagram above to our selves and our students, we can expect to reverse the bullying cycle.

Using the NTS (Nine Term Symbol or Enneagram) it is possible to see exactly which part of the process are lacking and need training for any given student or situation.
Point-six is also about Conscience. Will Power, Conscience and Help can all be understood as aspects of what enters the process at point-six. What comes in at point-six and how we define it depends on the situation and on the people involved.
Point-three, which is The Self, has to do with the real human being and not their acquired personality. Self Confidence is a buzz word, and the closer a person comes to essence, the more true self confidence they attain naturally. But this requires reinforcement from the adults around the growing being, the student. Adults must assist with the arising in the student of self confidence. Again, role playing as a means of assertivness training can help the student and the adults with this action of aiding the development of self confidence.
What ever level of understanding of the Golden Rule or level of Self Confidence or degree of Help (and so on for every point around the NTS) will determine the outcome of the situation and how intentionally a person can act given the forces from the bully.