Looking for a great keynote speaker with an amazing performance? Do you plan important company functions and events? Steffan Soule delivers corporate style magic with content that applies to your business.
His latest show, “Accomplish the Impossible” reveals the six secrets to improving and perfecting any business process. From his book on the subject, Steffan demonstrates the system that everyone from artists to business people can use to refine their work as they reach for the stars and actually Accomplish the Impossible.
As Keynote speaker for Sterling Savings Bank, Steffan Soule performed “Accomplish the Impossible” complete with astonishing demonstrations using the six aspects of improving Sterling’s most important business process. A standing ovation followed this interactive program, and Sterling employees are now applying the techniques to their work.
For the Avtex Users Conference in Minneapolis, Keynote Speaker Steffan Soule performed his show about Process Transformation including mind bending effects that prove we do work together in miraculous ways. After the session, the planning committee made it clear that Steffan’s message was very well received, and they are left wondering how to top it next year.
Keynote Speaker, Steffan Soule comes complete with powerful magic, specific and customized content, animated slides, workshop materials, sound, lights and special effects. Your only challenge will be topping this program in the future.